The site is not generally open but the board to the left of the entrance gates gives a telephone number which can be used to contact someone to ask for the code to open the gate.
Much of the parking in the area is for permit-holders only during the daytime.
The Bath Quaker Burial Ground is located in Clarendon Road, Widcombe near Widcombe Crescent. It opened in 1827 and the last burial occurred in 1974. Thereafter there has been scattering of ashes.
The cemetery has a series of headstones, some vertical, others laid on the ground. At the far end is a wall on which are inscribed the names of those who were cremated.
General View
Cremation Wall
At Bath Record Office is a list of 151 burials compiled by G Wynne. This gives the names (sometimes just with initials and surname) and the year. It omits the names which appear on the wall which lists cremations. This list has now been supplemented by further information on some of the individuals where this can be determined from information in death registrations, census entries and probate index entries.
If you wish to view and search burials within this cemetery, please visit the Bath Burial Index search page.